Friday, April 16, 2010

Just me

Hello bloggers, my name is Franco Cortés Gana, i`m 18 years old and i´m a student of the Universidad de Chile. I think that this form of show ours lifes is very superficial, really don´t like me, but the time actually is very fasts and this form is been converted in one of the only forms for show ours feelings.
Well, how talked, i´m a student of the Universidad de Chile, i´m studying antropology, i´m in first year. I choosed this career because i think that with it i am going to traveller for many places arround the world and can learn about many cultures diferents. The traveller is a of my passions.
I think that the planet is finished, for our guilty, and before that this happend, i like known him.


  1. superficial, yes i'm agree with that, this social plataforms (many times) are a monument to superficiality, everyone shows just "some" things, i don't know the best or the worst of theyself, the best way to know somebody is in real life!, but that doesn't mean that this could be FUN

    take care dude!

  2. Hi Franco. I'm your partner in English 3, Oscar Felipe. I'm from Sociology.

    I hope that your career like you. So many things are discovered in the run, when you are more time in the university. Many things against and in favor to your expectations. I tell you for my experiences. Meanwhile, enjoy your first year XD. It's very funny XD

    So,good luck. And we see us over there.

  3. Good Franco.

    Some problems on sentence formulation, though.

    Have a classmate read task 2 for editing.

    I couldn´t comment on Task 2, something is wrong with my computer, I suppose.

    You have 2 points on each of the tasks.

